The Outline Planning Application consists of a mix of 1,677 new homes, of which 35% will be designated as affordable, and up to 5,000 sqm of commercial and community uses – including three significant new public spaces, The Clearing, The Water Gardens and The Meander.
The Clearing will be Osterley’s new centre stage, where people gather to enjoy performances and festivities. With restaurants and cafés, the space is large and flexible providing a place for entertainment such as outdoor concerts and performances. This is an informal area to eat, drink and socialise. It also features a Mobility Hub with bicycle storage and hire, and car club and bus information.
The Water Gardens will provide an inviting, ecologically rich and biodiverse space for relaxation and pleasure, creating a beautiful and educational landscape which is accessible to all. The Meander is a peaceful meadow, providing a place for relaxation, socialising and play within a rich green and blue landscape. Protected from the bustle of surrounding streets, this opportunity for uninterrupted moments will enhance the quality of life in Osterley.
Driven by a commitment to sustainability, the proposals will deliver a zero-carbon neighbourhood and will provide 2 hectares of new natural landscapes with over 300 new trees to ensure an overall net gain in biodiversity – benefitting wildlife, residents and the wider community.