Architects, Masterplanners, Placemakers

We create new places and breathe life into old ones.

We are passionate about good buildings and the spaces in between. Our work extends from the city to the building, encompassing all scales – towns, neighbourhoods, streets and spaces; from remaking the old to creating the completely new.

Our goal is to create places where life in all senses can flourish.
Distinctive, memorable and responsive to context.
Regenerative, ecologically rich, delivering nature recovery.
Economically and socially thriving, and culturally stimulating.
Committed to low-carbon outcomes.
Planned around principles of healthy placemaking and walkable neighbourhoods.
Inclusive and diverse with sustainable stewardship.
In short, places where people feel they belong.

Our approach is


We approach all our projects through a process of understanding, engaging, and creating, which together we call ‘Collaborative Placemaking’.

Find out more about our Process and Charrette Methodology

We practise what
we preach


We have created a diverse, inclusive, sustainable and enjoyable working environment, minimising our carbon footprint, with measures that stimulate and engage our talented teams.

Check out our Careers, Carbon Emissions and Services

Our people are the
heart of who we are


We believe that our success is wholly due to the effort and creative ability of the talented people who work at JTP.

7 June 2024
Developing JTP’s portfolio of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) projects and our collaborative work with Tide Construction, the green light has been secured for a resolution to grant planning permission for 412 student rooms in a range of configurations, new commercial space, and public realm improvements at 42 Hastings Road in West Ealing, London
6 June 2024
JTP’s Managing Partner Marcus Adams recently joined the international lineup of speakers in Galway, Ireland to highlight the critical role innovative design and engagement plays in shaping lifelong, liveable neighbourhoods. The second RIAI and AoU annual conference on contemporary urban development took place on 29 and 30 May at the Hardiman Hotel in Galway city centre.
28 May 2024
On Wednesday 15 May 2024, JTP was delighted to host the launch of the new Engagement Overlay to the RIBA Plan of Work. A full house of guests, including built environment professionals, politicians and community members were taken through the guidance; and heard insights and best practice from a panel of experts.
16 May 2024
As we mark Mental Health Awareness Week from 13 to 19 May, JTP Architect Johanna Lynn, reflects on this year’s campaign theme of Movement by sharing her story and experience of training and completing the London Marathon in April 2024.
1 August 2023
For our client Guildford Borough Council, JTP is delighted that the Reserved Matters Application for Phase 1 at Weyside Urban Village has achieved unanimous approval.
11 April 2024
With a people-first approach, the personal development of our team is at the heart of JTP’s ethos. It is therefore with great pride that we celebrate the achievements of our people with further promotions for 2024.
We create new places
and breathe life into old ones.