Lucy is a Senior Urban Designer at JTP and joined the practice after completing a Master’s degree in Urban Strategies and Design at the University of Edinburgh. Lucy has experience working on several medium to large-scale, residential-led urban extensions and new settlements across a range of planning stages, from early site promotion, visioning, and concept design to the preparation of Outline Planning Applications and Design Coding.
She has a keen interest in community engagement and context analysis to help develop a place-led response to sites. As part of JTP’s Biodiversity and Water Management Working Group, she is looking to build our understanding of how best to design with landscape at the heart of proposals, in a way that benefits people, wildlife, and the planet.
In her portfolio of work, Lucy has been part of the team delivering proposals for a new mixed-use neighbourhood at Milton Keynes East (MKE) for several years, helping to develop the initial visioning work towards submission of the Outline Planning Application. The landscape-led masterplan will deliver up to 4,600 new homes, social infrastructure, areas of employment, community facilities, and a comprehensive network of open spaces, including a destination park along the River Ouzel. More recently, she has helped develop the overarching site-wide Design Coding Framework and define MKE’s first phase of development through the Detailed Design Code.
Lucy has also worked to develop the masterplan and vision for Meecebrook Garden Community for Stafford Borough Council. She has contributed to stakeholder workshops, concept and design development, and the production of the Development Charter which is a statement of ambitions that will guide the design and delivery process for years to come.
Lucy’s current work includes developing the masterplan and production of the Design Code for Village 1 at Gilston Park, in Hertfordshire, part of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT). The masterplan will deliver a mixed-use development of up to 1,800 homes, with ambitious proposals guided by a 60% sustainable modal shift target. The team is working closely with the local authority and community to positively shape proposals through a series of technical and community working groups. She is also working on the masterplan for Worcestershire Parkway, a new settlement allocated for up to 10,000 new homes and a range of mixed uses, as part of its ‘town centre first’ strategy.
In her spare time, Lucy enjoys combining her two favourite hobbies – walking and travel.