Community Planning Day
The day focused on the the stretch of Holloway Road from the Odeon cinema at Tufnell Park Road and ending at Holloway Road Tube Station. Members of the local community and others with an interest in the area were invited to participate in planning ideas for the beautification and intensification of this important arterial boulevard in London.
The event, held at Resource for London, was an opportunity to share local knowledge and help shape a vision for Holloway Boulevard by joining the design team in workshops, walkabouts and hands-on planning groups. Many people were concerned with the dominance of traffic and the implication on pedestrian and cycle safety and air pollution. Other concerns included poor quality public realm, a lack of characterful buildings, not enough trees, insufficient cycle lanes and a lack of affordable housing in the area. Working in facilitated groups around large-scale maps, participants developed several ideas which included:
– a reduction from four to two lanes, controlled times for HGVs and restricting the speed limit to 20mph
– reducing traffic pollution and improving air quality
– excess tarmac could be turned into pedestrian walkways, protected cycle lanes and outdoor terraces for local shops
– truly accessible and affordable housing for key workers and those on lower-incomes
– reclaiming areas of public realm and opening spaces for more independent businesses
– removal of fences and introduction of new crossing points
– more greenery such as hedges and flower beds
– replacing extraneous utility boxes, telephone booths and sign-posts
– traffic-calm or pedestrianise the central shopping area
– convert the Gyratory into a two-way road system
– expose the heritage and architecture of the streetscape by reducing / limiting the number of signs, billboards and banners
– establish a ‘Boulevard Forum’ to ensure a joined up, rigourous approach to take these ideas further
– should also engage young people in the process
After the workshop, the JTP team analysed and summarised the contributions and drew up a vision for the boulevard.