Stephanos is an Associate at JTP with over 10 years of experience working on large-scale, residential-led projects in the UK. With a background in structural engineering and a keen interest across all scales of the built environment, Stephanos’ portfolio ranges from strategic visioning work and community engagement through to detailed planning applications.
Stephanos is one of JTP’s in-house experts in Design Coding with a long-standing involvement in Urban&Civic’s sites at Alconbury Weald and Houlton in Rugby. Having worked closely with clients, local authorities and stakeholders, Stephanos has been Project Architect on masterplanning projects for brownfield and greenfield sites, developed Key Phase Design Codes and subsequently implemented their principles in first phase Reserved Matters Applications. This rare experience affords Stephanos with an in-depth knowledge of delivering exemplary new neighbourhoods through the master developer approach.
Elsewhere, Stephanos is closely involved in St James’ project at Milton Keynes East which will deliver up to 4,600 homes, employment, education and community facilities and a substantial green infrastructure network which prioritises active travel. Stephanos has worked on the production of the site-wide Design Code Framework, the Detailed Design Code of the Phase 1, as well as the Reserved Matters Application for the first 197 homes.
His current work includes visioning and masterplanning for the Crown Estate’s ‘pilot project’ at Feering in Essex, where the group’s new Value Creation Framework will be put into effect placing net zero carbon, thriving communities and biodiversity at the heart of proposals.