Lena is an Urban Designer and Architectural Assistant at JTP. She studied Architecture for her undergraduate degree and graduated with an MA in Architecture from the KULeuven in Belgium. Following her interests in placemaking and the public realm, she joined JTP after obtaining her MSc in Urban Design and City Planning at the Bartlett School of Planning.
In her final year, she explored how architecture and urban design can influence the public realm and tackle trends of inequality by introducing strategic interventions focussed on creating future-proof design proposals which bring adaptability to the forefront of the design. During her time at UCL, Lena explored how community involvement, in particular involvement from children can influence and tackle the decay of the high streets by revitalising neighbourhoods.
In her time at JTP, Lena has gained experience working on large strategic masterplans around the UK, inclusive of multiple residential schemes with mixed-use elements. Lena’s core interests lie in people-centred and participatory design. She is currently involved in the creation of a Design Code for an urban extension for more than 3,000 homes at Manydown in Basingstoke.
Other projects include proposals for 3,000 homes, at Otterpool Park in Folkestone, where she has been part of the team that helped to co-create a vision with the community for Phase 1B and supporting an Outline Planning Application for south Worcester in Worcester.
Within the office, Lena is advocating the development and implementation of the use of GIS software.
Lena is an active participant in JTP’s weekly yoga class whilst outside the office she also enjoys travelling, arts and crafts, pilates and reading.