Plans for the regeneration of the area are set out in Plan Abu Dhabi 2030. The proposals are centred on fostering a diverse economy, enhancing connectivity and transport links, ensuring environmental sustainability and preserving the Emirate’s rich culture. Shahama and Bahia are identified as a portal to the city of Abu Dhabi and the plan proposes to increase the population by 100,000 people.
Project Delivery
– One of the first community engagement processes in Abu Dhabi attended by both male and female local representatives that focused on neighbourhood issues.
– A Vision and revitalisation strategy developed during a six day Charrette based on the results of the community engagement process.
– A concept plan for the wider Shahama area, creating a series of new neighbourhoods based on the traditional concept of the fareej, with new local centres including shops, schools, mosques and other amenities.
– Proposals for a new town centre as the focus of the wider district to provide employment, retail and other civic use opportunities, connected to the surrounding neighbourhoods by an improved public transport system.
– A revitalisation plan focussed on infrastructure improvements within the existing communities: improved public spaces; reclamation and transformation of underutilised land; incorporation of pedestrian routes; provision of additional shading through planting and structures to create ‘cool streets’ that will encourage pedestrian movement.