Currently comprising the shopping centre and associated car park, the site is envisioned to be revitalised into a thriving mixed-use, city centre quarter featuring 762 new homes and over 8,500 sqm of retail, commercial and leisure space with potential to create nearly 400 full-time jobs.
In its existing context, the shopping centre is not fit for purpose, with large, deep units predominantly disjointed over two floors, with narrow frontages offering little opportunity for sub-division and poor public realm. The shopping centre presently is a barrier to permeability and activity outside of shopping hours, creating an internally focussed environment that offers very little to the relationship and connectivity to the adjacent rivers. As such, the diversity of proposed new mixed-uses of smaller and flexible units overlooking the rivers and new public realm, crafts a more intimate retail experience and complements the existing retail offer of the High Street, providing an enlivened riverside destination that will boost the city’s daytime and nighttime economy.