The Vision for the three sites is for the sympathetic evolution of Easebourne which respects the unique built and natural environment of the village and national park, by embracing a landscape-led approach to placemaking. The sites have been carefully considered through extensive pre-application discussions with SDNPA to ensure they all stitch together holistically as a single intervention in Easebourne.
Across the three sites, 58 homes will be provided including 20 affordable homes and five that have been designed to Passivhaus standards. Homes will range from one bedroom apartments up to four bedroom family homes, all with bespoke designs inspired and influenced by the richness and variation found in the settlement and streets of Easebourne. The proposals also include listed building consent for the conversion of the school building of the former primary school which will be revived and feature three new apartments.
Alongside the new dwellings, Cowdray Works Yard will also include the addition of 1000 sqm of commercial space to create a further offer of mixed-uses.