A complex project with a number of Historic Scotland designations around the masterplan area, Millerhill will provide 620 new homes, dedicated land for a primary school, a park and ride facility and a network of open space. Homes are offered in a range of tenures and sizes consisting of a mix of detached, semi-detached, terraced houses and apartments which reflect the market need for family housing. At least 25% of homes will be affordable across a tenure-blind mix of apartments and housing.
Neighbourhood amenities have been located to be accessible and visible, with allotments, green spaces and play areas well overlooked by homes. The heart of the new community features a large area of open space, creating a rich environment that is surrounded by active frontages and long views to the setting of the adjacent listed building, Newton House. A ‘trim track’ green route will run along the boundaries of the new community and links a variety of green spaces and amenities with cycle and pedestrian routes. This creates a pleasant and desirable new neighbourhood which builds upon the character of the surrounding area.
The design of the layout of homes and buildings respects and enhances the cultural heritage of the area, retaining the views and landscape surrounding Newton House and its setting. The neighbourhood is designed to be legible and permeable, with heights, densities and materials working together with the movement framework to create variety. A series of unique character areas create variety throughout the development, responding to orientation, views and density.
A movement framework encourages natural wayfinding and a reduction in vehicle speed, creating a safer environment for residents and visitors. The creation of the park and ride facility forms part of a wider transportation strategy and is supported by a sustainable layout which allows for future connections into adjacent areas of potential future development. Key to the design approach is the priority given to cyclists and pedestrians, with segregated pedestrian ways and the ‘trim track’ encouraging safe and easy movement through the site.
A simple palette of materials including wet dash render, dry dash render in varying colours and reconstituted stone will be used in varying proportions throughout the masterplan.