The Guide will influence how the borough’s buildings, streets, neighbourhoods and towns are designed to ensure they align with the Council’s priorities to create thriving towns and places, reduce inequalities and tackle the climate emergency. Local people are being asked to help shape a new guide that will show what good design looks like and give design advice to anyone submitting a planning application. Once finalised, the Guide will be adopted by the Council as a Supplementary Planning Document to the Local Plan to ensure that all developments in Calderdale deliver a consistent and high-quality standard of design and create a legacy for the future.
A key aim of the Calderdale Guide will be to raise awareness of how the Guide will benefit the planning process for applicants and the whole community, by helping people to understand the principles of good design and providing advice to secure the best solutions for Calderdale.
JTP is a recognised industry leader in the creation and design of Design Codes and Guides which play a significant part in the creation of successful communities and places. Our Design Code approach and methodology has evolved and been refined through our work on a range of projects including Alconbury Weald in Cambridgeshire, Weyside Urban Village in Guildford, Chilmington Green in Ashford, Houlton in Rugby and many others.
JTP was responsible for arranging and facilitating a series of public workshops and walkabouts in May in Hebden Bridge, Halifax, Elland and Brighouse and Rastrick. The JTP team is launching a Community Review Panel in July with volunteers from across the borough, to help shape and comment on the Guide through the drafting stages. Once the Guide is at the final draft stage later this year, further community engagement will take place during the formal consultation period.