The brownfield urban regeneration will bring a renewed sense of life and high street character back to this stretch of Old Kent Road, replacing a petrol station and derelict industrial warehouses with a mixed-use community of 941 best-in-class student bedrooms and 200 affordable homes across four buildings of varying heights. Over 20% of the affordable homes are provided as either three or four bedroom dwellings for families or larger households and equate to over 40% affordable housing by habitable room across the scheme. A total of 75% of the affordable dwellings will also benefit from dual-aspect outlook, and include balconies that are 33% more generous than the London Plan and Southwark requirements.
The buildings will be supported by active ground-floor uses including a new GP surgery, grocery store, café and community hub, as well as an array of student amenities which is estimated to create up to 60 full-time jobs. The community hub will be over 1000 sqft and will be made available to residents and the existing local community as a free bookable space for community events and activities.
Buildings range in height from 15 to 33 storeys and are grouped into architectural families that bring variety and dynamism to the street scene and skyline. The four plots are articulated to respond to key routes and spaces within the masterplan including the north-south linear green link and east-west connections through the site from Tustin Estate to the future Livesey Park.