Creative co-working hub celebrates its opening launch in former cattle market
There’s a new buzz in Liskeard! The Workshed – a new digital and creative business hub designed by JTP is making an impact in the heart of the traditional Cornish market town of Liskeard.

In December 2017, the final livestock sale was held at Liskeard Cattle Market creating an opportunity to rethink the future of this key area in the heart of the town. The following year saw the adoption of the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan which encouraged the development of “a mix of uses that support the vitality and viability of the town centre”. In March 2019, JTP was asked to facilitate a five-day Charrette, funded by the then MHCLG, to create a Vision for the cattle market. Following two days of public workshops and walkabouts, the JTP team worked to turn the ideas generated into a Vision and indicative masterplan for the site, which was reported back on day five of the Charrette.
JTP facilitates the Liskeard Charrette in 2019
Liskeard Farmers Market